Accessories · Crochet pattern · Free Pattern · Shawls

Secret Paths

Denna Secret Paths är gjord i Scheepjes Whirl, 789, Tasty Nom Nom. Mer information om just denna sjal, så som virkfasthet, storlek, nål etc, hittar du här.

This Secret Paths is made with Scheepjes Whirl, 789, Tasty Nom Nom. You can find more information about this shawl, such as gauge, size and hook size here.

Till denna vita-rosa sjal använde jag garnet Cotton Flower 200 g från Favoritgarner och virknål 4.0 mm. Du kan använda vilket garn du vill och addera eller ta bort varv, tex varv 5-18 som upprepas, för att få rätt storlek. Se bara till att avsluta med ett popkorn-varv innan du börjar med kanten.

For this white and pink shawl I used the yarn Cotton Flower 200 g from Favoritgarner and hook 4.0 mm. You could use any yarn and just add or exclude rows, for example row 5-18 that is repeated, to make it the right size. Just make sure to end with a popcorn-row before making the edge.

Mönster / Pattern: 

Vill du stötta mitt arbete som virkdesigner, bjud mig på en kopp kaffe 🙂
If you like to support my work as a crochet designer, buy me a cup of coffee 🙂 

Svenska: Secret Paths
English (US terms): Secret Paths
Dansk: Secret Paths
Dutch: Secret Paths
Finnish:  Secret Paths
French: Secret Paths
German: Secret Paths
Greek: Secret Paths
Hungarian: Secret Paths
Japanese: Secret Paths
Portuguese: Secret Paths
Russian: Secret Paths
Slovak: Secret Paths
Spanish: Secret Paths
Spanish Stitch tutorials: Tutoriales de puntos


Facebook Group

Min Facebook-grupp Mijo Crochet Hangout finns för att ställa frågor, dela bilder och socialisera med andra virkare.

My Facebook group Mijo Crochet Hangout is a place where you can ask questions, share pictures and socialize with other fellow crocheters.

Meine Facebook-Gruppe Mijo Crochet Hangout ist ein Platz wo Sie Fragen stellen können, Ihre Bilder posten und sich mit anderen Häkler/innen verbinden können.

394 thoughts on “Secret Paths

    1. It’s Beautiful, but I didn’t fine a pattern in English! 🤔 I guess I will figure it out from photo, when I get ready to make it! It’s pretty!


      1. Hi, In the blog post where you download the pattern you can read about what yarn I used. But this pattern can be used with any yarn, that is way there is no yarn suggestion in the pattern 🙂


      1. On the stitch chart on row 29 it says thin(3) bf pc. What does that mean?


    1. Hi Marsha, that is a very hard question. It depends on your crochet skills, what yarn you use and how big you want your shawl to end up. When I make my shawls with a 3,5 mm hook it takes at least 20 hours.
      Kind regards,


  1. It is very kind of you to give us the Secret Paths shawl pattern for free. My problem is that I am taking so much time counting and recounting. Could I possibly purchase the pattern with the stitch count? Many thanks, Maureen


      1. This is a beautiful shawl. I have just started it, and I am excited to be working on such a lovely crochet shawl pattern.


  2. Hi. I am in love with this shawl. Should I be crocheting through both loops in rows 2 and 3? My work is very flat. It doesnt seem to have the prominent ridges as in the pictures. Thanks.


    1. i worked in both loops. It is flat so that when you work frontpost or backpost, these stitches will be more prominent.


  3. Dag
    Bij rij 17, moet je niet steeds een steek overslaan. Anders vermeerderd je toch te veel steken …
    Alvast bedankt voor je antwoord!


  4. Everyone is talking about stitch count. I have not found anything telling me what each row count should be. Can you please give me the stitch count for the rows? Thank you


      1. What I also noticed is the sides are one off. I assume that that is the way you want it because from the beginning you have 4 on one side of the 2ch and 5 on the other. Is this correct?


      2. Hi again 🙂
        The ch3 in the beginning of a row counts as 1 dc. That is why you work the last stitches of a row in the third ch in the beginning of previous row. The sides are always symmetrical with the same number of stitches 🙂


    1. My thoughts also! Its beautiful! An afghan, throw or full size blanket would be fabulous. Also, a scarf, maybe arranged so you have a set of dc, fpdc, bpdc, dc, ch1, dc, let popcorn be your center and work the rows backwards for the other side. Put the border around entire scarf or just the short ends. Make it long and use a French knot to wear it.
      L9vely pattern!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hej, jag använde ett cakegarn med 1000 meter 🙂 Eftersom mönstret går att upprepa till sjalen har den storlek man önskar kan man använda vilket garn man vill.


  5. Bonjour,
    Ce modèle est vraiment superbe, mais je n’arrive pas à l’ouvrir en français,
    Lorsque je clique sur le lien j’ai une page blanche
    Merci pour votre aide


    1. Hi,
      I just tried the link and it works fine from here. Do you have something that stops pop up windows? You can also try to open it from another device or another web browser.
      Kind regards,


  6. I really enjoy your patterns. I have made several already and am looking forward to more. Keep up the great work!


  7. Hej! Den är så fin och jag gjorde den som nybörjare men då hade jag för lite garn och den blev liggande ofärdig… tänkte nu göra en ny, men blev osäker på garnåtgången. Tänkte använda ett cakegarn. Räcker 1000 m? Du skrev att du hade 200 gr…


  8. Hi I love this shawl and I start with it but I want to know please the popcorn and puffy stitches, because I can’t access the link so can you help me plz


    1. Love the shawl
      Row 7– 1 dc in every ch-1 space and every dc to ch 2- space.
      Does that mean dc in each chain space and each dc stitch?


  9. I am having trouble with the shawl bubbling outwards in the first 13 rounds. Is this common? Will it correct as I work?


  10. Hello from Texas,
    This shawl is absolutely beautiful and want to thank you for sharing free pattern. Question for you? What do recommend brand and size of yarn you used to make this shawl please?

    Thank you and have a blessed day


  11. Det ser inte ut som att den första sjalen (den lila) är virkad enligt mönstret som den rosa är. Hade velat ha mönsterbeskrivningen på den första då det är den man ser först. Kanten stämmer inte heller och det finns inget mönster på den. Kanske inte ska ha två olika sjalar även om de liknar varandra ihop med mönstret. Blir väldigt missvisande.


    1. Hej,
      Bägge sjalarna är gjorda av precis samma mönster men med olika garnsorter. Det som skiljer är de sista 2 kantvarven på den lila sjalen som är tagen från Taiga Royal Starling Edition. Tanken är att man ska se hur mycket olika garn kan göra för samma design.
      Vänliga hälsningar,


  12. How many Whirl cakes did you use for yours? (I understand will be different based on the size desired by the crocheter, just curious how many you used)
    With thanks.


  13. Hi, I am finishing up this beautiful shawl. How would finish the top of the shawl? Thanks for your help and this beautiful pattern!


    1. Hi, I’m happy you like my pattern 🙂
      Personally I don’t fancy adding a row at the top edge. But many people make a small edge with single crochets or moss stitch etc.


  14. Hi! I made this for my grandmother. She LOVED it. Thanks for sharing. I am making another one: does the chain 3 count as the first dc? Thanks.


  15. Tradotto in tante lingue ma non italiano..come mai? Volevo seguire il tutorial in spagnolo ma molti termini sono diversi,peccato, ciao


  16. Hi, I found this wonderful pattern and started it already. I came to row 17 and was wondering why there is another popcorn-row, when on the pictures it doesn’t look like there are two rows of popcorn stitches. Can you please explain why there is row 17 in the pattern PDF or whether it can be left out. Thank you!!


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